The Fishermans net

The stories included here show how God is working in the lives of His people on a daily basis, in every aspect and in a way that makes clear that He is 'leading His children along'.

The stories are all taken from the members and attendees of Christ's American Baptist Church of Menges Mills, Pa.

Friday, May 7, 2010

The Fishwrapper Vol. 2

Vol. 2
I am a cook, a wife, a housekeeper, a parent, a teacher, a referee, a nanny, a nurse, a handy man, a maid, security, and a comforter. I don't get holiday, sick pay, or a day off, I work through the day and some of the night, I am under paid and over worked, now tell me that YOUR job is harder then mine. Repost this if you're a ...MOM♥

I started thinking about this Fish Wrapper after our baptismal service. I was so touched by the precious children who committed their lives to Jesus in front of all their classmates and the rest of the congregation. Not to take away from the others who were baptized, but I had just talked with Laurie Jacoby, who wrote the opening paragraph above on her Face Book page and she said they had just led their youngest son to Christ, and how wonderful she felt that he had made this decision. I thought what a perfect moment to discuss how parents and their teachers nurture and lead the little ones along the path to salvation.

I always get weepy when the pastor carries the infants who are being dedicated back through the congregation and asks us all to help bring this child up by supporting them and encouraging them as they grow in the Lord. It takes me back a long time ago to when I was just a sprout going to church with my parents. There is a memory so fresh and poignant that springs up whenever I think of going to church as a child.

There was a snowy haired, little old man named Davie Keller who always had a smile on his weathered face. His icy blue eyes twinkled as he stood by the door as we left church, and as he reached out to shake my hand (and other children’s) and say a little something to me, he would slip a peppermint candy into my hand. Nothing big or momentous you might think, but to me, it was magical. This tiny old man took the time to acknowledge that I was there, I was special, and he even took the time to see that I got a little treat, every single Sunday. We can all contribute to the memories of a child in our own way. Plant that tiny seed in a youngster’s mind that they matter to us, they are there and we care about them. Water it and watch it grow.

I asked Laurie if she would share with us how she and Dan nurture the seeds of living a Christ filled life in their children, who all three have accepted Christ. She told me this little guy, all of six years old, asked her last week what happens to you when you die. Without missing a beat, she told him that our bodies are like shells that hold our spirits, who we are. When we die, they bury our bodies in the ground, but our spirits go to heaven to be with Jesus and we get all new bodies and live with Him forever. It just kind of went on from there she said, and he ended up asking Jesus into his heart.

It brings up all the things children ask us, that as parents, grandparents and teachers we must be ready to answer. It’s an awesome responsibility, but our God has given us the Holy Spirit and His Word to guide us and help us with this. That’s why it’s so important to study His Word and take them to church, so we are prepared when the opportunity arises to witness to them.
She said she can’t give enough credit to all of the wonderful teachers at our church who have helped her children to grow through the years they have been there. We are so blessed to have such a capable and dedicated staff. Thank all of you who have contributed to the growth of a child here.

Laurie and Dan have devotions daily with their children. Laurie home schools, and she said she can tell the difference in their day if they ever miss their devotions in the morning. It makes the day go so much better when they start it off spending that time with God.

Their daughter once asked them how they know what they believe about God is true. They told her that a lot of people have studied the Bible, it’s teachings, and they all believe what it says is true. We believe by faith, and faith is believing God’s Word, because He said it, even if we don’t know ourselves if it is true. Hebrews 11 talks all about faith. Verse 1 says 1Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see. Children are so ready to hear about Jesus. We must use every chance we get to answer their questions so they want to have a relationship with Him.

You know, with Dan still out of work, and other things going on, it is such a blessing that God has given this family reason to rejoice in Him for moving in their children like He has. What a mighty God is He!!!
Prudence, the Silver Fish

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